Women in Islam | Rights of Women

//Women in Islam | Rights of Women

Women in Islam | Rights of Women

The status of women in Islam is mostly misunderstood by Non-Muslims or western countries.  This is due to the lack of understanding about how Islam ordered to treat women and also due to the misbehavior of some Muslims which has been taken to represent the teachings of Islam. Allah Almighty says in Noble Quran about the status of women in these words: “And for women are rights over men, similar to those of men over women” (Quran, 2:228). Over 1400 years ago, Islam gave rights to the women that women in the West have only recently begun to enjoy. Both men and women descended from a single person the Prophet Adam (PBUH). Islam does not accept for either of them anything but justice and kind treatment.

At a time when female children were buried alive in Arabia and women were considered transferable property, Islam honored women in society by elevating them and protecting them with remarkable rights. Islam gave women the right to education, to marry someone of their choice, to retain their identity after marriage, to divorce, to work, to own and sell the property, to seek protection by the law, to vote, and to participate in civic and political engagement.

Allah Almighty stated in Holy Quran that all human are equal in these words: “To whoever, male or female, does good deeds and has faith, We shall give a good life and reward them according to the best of their actions” (Quran, 16:97). In religion Islam, the mercy of Allah is for all of mankind and makes no preference for sex. Men and women have a calling and a place in nature. Neither has a greater value nor is one of greater importance. Both men and women are subjected to divine punishment that is equal for the capacity of each.

Forced marriages, honor killings, female genital mutilation and the confinement of women to their homes are all forbidden in Islam. Arranged marriages are allowed in Islam but are not required. In fact, one of the conditions for a valid Islamic marriage contract is the mutual consent of both parties to the marriage. And divorce is permissible provided the Islamic guidelines are followed which protect the rights of all affected parties, especially women and unborn children.

Rights of Women

Below we will discuss rights of women in Islam that Allah Almighty mentioned in Holy Quran and His last Prophet Muhammad (SAW) implemented in His life.

  • Both men and women will get equal rewards and equal accountability against their actions.
  • Both have an equal right to seek knowledge.
  • Equal right to choose a spouse for getting married.
  • In religion Islam, Allah Almighty clearly gives mothers a high status and elevates their position in the family.
  • Islam gave women the right to own property and inherit from relatives.
  • A woman has the right to work and spend the money she earns as she wishes. She has no obligation to share her money with her husband or any other family members.
  • Muslim women wear the head-covering (hijab) or veil in fulfillment of Allah’s decree to dress modestly. Muslim women just wear Hijab does not mean they are oppressed.
  • The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) encouraged men to treat their spouses in the best way, “The best of you are those who are best (in treatment) to their wives.”

Religion Islam regards women as precious and valuable, not to be disrespected or disgraced.  Women are empowered with many rights and protections under Islamic laws and are honored with a dignified status in society. May Almighty Allah help us and guide us to follow the right path. Ameen!

By | 2019-03-16T13:45:06+00:00 March 16th, 2019|islam|0 Comments

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