10 Facts & Benefits Of Zam-Zam Water

//10 Facts & Benefits Of Zam-Zam Water

10 Facts & Benefits Of Zam-Zam Water

1.The Story of how it came to be
This accurate account of the originof Zam-zam holds with it an exquisite message…
Hajar (Alayhis salaam) made use of the small amount of food that Ibrahim (Alayhis salaam) left for her and her baby, but ran out eventually and was soon thirsty and hungry-her milk dried up, her baby Ismail (Alayhis salaam) became hungry and began to cry. Hajar couldn’t afford seeing her son in pain so climbed up the hill which was later called As-Safa, to see if there was anyone in the horizon. She saw no one. She then climbed down, and reaching the valley, ran to the other hill, later called Al –Marwa, doing the same again, all this time her son twisting and turning in hunger. She repeated this seven times, and on the 7th time reached the top of the hill and heard a sound. To her amazement she found it coming from beneath the feet of Ismail (Alayhis salaam).
At that point Jibra’eel (Alayhis salaam) began digging the well of Zam-zam from beneath his feet. Hajar was excited to contain the water, it being a desert and so arid and dry-the water would seep into the ground, and she tried making a pool to contain it.

The Prophet (Sallallahu alayhi wasalam) said, (may Allah have mercy on the mother of Isma’eel)”If she had left the water, (flow naturally without her intervention), it would have been flowing on the surface of the earth.”
{Sahih al-Bukhari 3365,Vol. 4, Book 55, Hadith 584}

So because of her efforts to contain the water, Zam-zam amazingly became a well.

Hajar-before the water was brought out of the ground, running in search, probably heart-broken and crying in pain at the suffering of her son, did not know what Allah was preserving for her in the future.
If she knew that a time would come when millions from all parts of the world would follow in her footsteps, she probably may never have cried. And one can only imagine her reward in the hereafter if that were her reward in this world.

So when experiencing challenges in life, remember that Allah may be hiding something for you in your future.

2. Its Names
The names of Zam-zam are many, over 60 according to some experts and scientists, its names derived from its characteristics. Some of the familiar ones are:

Murwiya (derived from the Arabic word meaning ‘quenched’)
Shabbaa’a- (derived from ‘satisfying’)
3. Positive Energy
Within Zam-zam is an ingredient different to other waters, which heals and helps energetic and cell systems within the human body. The German Scientist Dr Knut Pfeiffer,and head of the largest medical centre in Munich, has studied Zam-zam with his colleague and assistant Husam Othman. A miracle in itself is that the Zam-zam specimen they studied still extraordinarily increased dramatically the energetic fields in human cells having travelled from Saudi Arabia to Munich, sustaining climate changes, probably having gone through an X-ray machine at customs, and then being stored for approximately two weeks. The opposite reaction would exhibit with other types of water especially if stagnant for some time, including water from Munich which is considered chemically pure.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The best water on the face of the earth is the water of Zam-zam; it is a kind of food and a healing from sickness.”
{Saheeh al-Jaami’, 3302}

4. Uncontaminated
Zam-zam has been flowing from the Ka’aba for over 4000 years. Samples taken from all water sources in the world contain some germs in it. Through studies by Doctor Yahya Koshak (expert on Zam-zam) it has been proven that Zam-zam does not contain any contaminants. It is an established scientific fact that pools or water wells tend to grow vegetation such as algae– especially in warm climates. Amazingly this is not the case in the well of Zam-zam. It has remained free from biological contaminations.

5. Its Purity
Evian – water from the highest part of the French Alps is renowned for its high mineral content and purity, and high percentage of bicarbonates (357mg/l). Murwiya contains 366mg/l of bicarbonates, and is purer, in fact the purest water on earth.

6. Healing Nature
Scientific proof shows that Zam-zam contains healing components due to its higher content of calcium and magnesium salts and natural fluorides which present germicidal properties.

It was reported in Sahih Muslim that the Prophet, sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said to Abu Dhār, who had stayed near the Ka’bah and its coverings for forty days and nights with no food or drink other than (Zamzam): “How long have you been here?” Abu Dhār said, “I have been here for thirty days and nights.” The Prophet, sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said, “Who has been feeding you?” He said, “I have had nothing but Zamzam water, and I have gotten so fat that I have folds of fat on my stomach. I do not feel any of the tiredness or weakness of hunger and I have not become thin.” The Prophet, sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said, “Verily, it is blessed, it is food that nourishes.”
{Narrated by Imam Muslim, 2473}

7. The miracle of its Origin
Mecca is built on a mass of igneous rock, and due to the process in which they form, these rocks have no pores and – due to partial melting of the minerals of which the rock comprises -cause any existing pores to close up. Science tells us that water reservoirs can only exist in rocks that are highly porous and permeable. Geologist Dr Zaghloul Al-Najjar, head of The Committee of Scientific Signs in the Quran and Sunnah states that this simple and great fact verifies the sanctity and holiness of the land.

8. Hadith substantiates its Science
Origins of the water was a mystery until tunnels were dug around Makkah, where engineers and workers found hairline fractures in the solid mass of rock that stretched for kilometers in either direction through which Zam-zam was seeping out, extensive fractures which could only be caused by a mighty impact. Sunnah states that it’s because of the strong blow with which Jibra’eel Alayhis salam struck the earth that Isma’eel Alayhis salaam was able to drink.
The well isn’t that deep, 30 metres in fact of which 13 metres or a little less are filled with compressed sediments from the valley which don’t allow water to flow out. Below this is about 17 metres of igneous rock through which the water flows through these long hairline fractures in the rock, where it gains its high mineral content beneficial to both the body and soul of man.

9. It Manifests for what it is Drunk

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The water of Zamzam is for whatever it is drunk for.”
{Narrated by Ibn Maajah, 3062}

This is a hasan hadeeth. A myriad of cases exist that testify to the healing nature of Zam-zam. Drinking Zam-zam with the sincere intention of fulfilling a need, such as healing a physical ailment, being freed from poverty or distress, even achieving calm in the wake of any type of anxiety, gives way to Allah fulfilling these needs. One could continue drinking it until one is completely healed.

The Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wasalam used to wash his chest with Zam-zam to gain courage and relieve anxiety through Allah’s grace, before visiting the heavens; he would drink it and use it for Wudhu.

10. Water fasting.
Water fasting isn’t something new, and has even been done during the time of the Prophet (Sallalahu alayhi wasalam). Revisit the hadith in point 6:

It was reported in Sahih Muslim that the Prophet, sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said to Abu Dhār, who had stayed near the Ka’bah and its coverings for forty days and nights with no food or drink other than (Zamzam): “How long have you been here?” Abu Dhār said, “I have been here for thirty days and nights.” The Prophet, sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said, “Who has been feeding you?” He said, “I have had nothing but Zamzam water, and I have gotten so fat that I have folds of fat on my stomach. I do not feel any of the tiredness or weakness of hunger and I have not become thin.” The Prophet, sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said, “Verily, it is blessed, it is food that nourishes.”
{Narrated by Imam Muslim, 2473}

Some of the positive benefits of a 48 hour Zam-zam fast are an increase in the number of blood platelets and increased immunity through an increase in white blood cells, as well as a detoxifying effect on the body. Murwiya (Zam-zam) also increases hemoglobin levels, which result in increased energy levels. Testimonials state that these fasts eradicate morning breath, and hunger pangs, also providing a noticeable nourishing effect on the body.

By | 2019-03-20T13:04:19+00:00 March 20th, 2019|islam|0 Comments

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