An Insight on Virtues/Benefits of Surah Al-FalaQ and An-NaaS

//An Insight on Virtues/Benefits of Surah Al-FalaQ and An-NaaS

An Insight on Virtues/Benefits of Surah Al-FalaQ and An-NaaS

Quran is a book of Wisdom and knowledge. Although it is the sacred religious book of Muslims, however, to those who wish to know about the universe and the concept of God and how He is the Creator of all, Quran presents great examples and explains everything in detail. Thus, Muslims receive the dual benefits of getting reward by reading the Quran, as well as finding instructions to know and understand life and live it in a better way.

Quran is comprised of Surahs where each and every Surah had a specific purpose behind its revelation. Moreover, other than the Surahs being a part of Quran that brings reward, there are different Surahs that come with special virtues. Two of such renowned short Surahs are Surah al Falaq, and Surah an Naas. The lines below discuss the virtues associated with these Surahs in the light of hadith, along with the crucial insight one can get from these Surahs.

Virtues of Last Two Surahs of Quran

Surah al Falaq:

The transliteration of Surah is:

Qul ‘a-‘uuzu bi-Rabbil-Falaq
Min-sharri maa khalaq;
Wa min-sharri gaasiqin ‘izaa waqab,
Wa min-sharrin Naffaasaati fil ‘uqad,
Wa min-sharri haasidin ‘izaa hasad.

The translation of the Surah is:

“Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of the Dawn. From the mischief of created things; from the mischief of Darkness as it overspreads; from the mischief of those who practice Secret Arts; and from the mischief of the envious one as he practices envy.” (113:1-5)


Regarding the revelation of Surah al Falaq, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said in one of His hadiths:

“Allah has revealed verses the like of which you have never seen: Say, I seek refuge in the Lord of the people, and: Say, I seek refuge in the Lord of the daybreak.” (Tirmidhi)

Although each and every verse of Quran has no match, but these two verses which are mentioned in the hadith, one is from Surah an Naas and the other from Surah al Falaq have been declared unmatchable by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Therefore, from this hadith one can get an idea about the magnificence of Surah al Falaq.

Hazrat Aisha (RA) reported that :

“Before sleeping Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) would recite the last three Surahs of Quran and then would blow it onto His hands and then wipe the hands all over His body.” (Bukhari)

This hadith shows that recitation of Surah al Falaq along with two other last Surahs of Quran was the Sunnah of Prophet (PBUH) and He would have the recital wipe over His body as if forming a protective layer. Therefore, a Muslim must also consider following the Sunnah of Prophet (PBUH) and then know the endless benefits it brings to him or her.

Finding Insight:

If one ponders over the verses of Surah al Falaq then one can easily assess that these ayahs refer to seeking protection of Allah Almighty, firstly from all sorts of evil that befalls in day or night. Secondly, protection from those who practice magic and thirdly, protection from those who are jealous and conduct acts of envy.

All these three are the most commonly occurring things that can harm a person. Therefore, this Surah tells that if one is to seek protection from these three kinds of ills, then one must invoke Allah Almighty. Therefore, the recitation of Surah al Falaq can help a great deal in combating evil, envy and secret arts.

Surah an Naas:

Transliteration of Surah An Naas is:

Qul ‘a-‘uuzu bi Rabbin Naas
Min-sharril Waswaasil khan Nass
‘Allazii yuwas-wisu fii suduurin Naasi
Minal-Jinnati wan Naas

The translation of Surah an Naas is:

“Say: I seek refuge with the Lord and Cherisher of Mankind, the King (or Ruler) of Mankind – the Allah (or Judge) of Mankind – from the mischief of the Whisperer (of Evil), who withdraws (after his whisper) – (The same) who whispers into the hearts of Mankind – Among Jinns and among Men.” (114:1-6)


Besides the virtues of Surah an Naas which it shares with Surah al Falaq that are mentioned above, there are a few hadiths that tell of other virtues of reciting Surah an Naas. Hazrat Abu Saeed al-Khurdi (RA) narrates:

“The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) used to seek refuge with Allah from the jinn and from the evil eye until the Mu’wadaitain (Surah Falaq and Surah Naas) were revealed, and whey they were revealed He started to recite them and not anything else.” (Tirmidhi)

From the narration it is clear that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used these two Surahs as a means of protection from Jinns and to ward of the effects of evil eye. The narration also shows that once the Surahs were revealed, then Prophet (PBUH) did not resort on anything else than the Surahs to get protection. Therefore, if Prophet (PBUH) was in need of protection from jinn and the evil eye, then every Muslim must also consider their recitation to keep safe from the ill effects of such elements.

Another narration regarding Surah an Naas is from Hazrat Abdullah bin Khabeeb (RA) who said:

“We got out once on a rainy night and it was very dark and we looked for the Prophet (PBUH) to pray for us and then we found Him and He said ‘Did you pray?’ and I didn’t say anything. Then He said, ‘Say’ but I didn’t say anything. Then He said, ‘Say’ but again I didn’t say anything. Then He said, ‘Say’ So, I said, ‘What should I say?’ He said, ‘Qul Hoo wAllahu Ahad and Muwaidaitain when you enter the evening and when you wake up in the morning three times and it will protect you from everything.” (Tirmidhi)

From the hadith it is clear that the recitation of the last three Quls of Quran can help in protection from everything once they are recited early in the morning. Therefore, a Muslim must get into the habit of reciting this Surah every day.

Finding Insight:

If one ponders over the meaning of the verses of Surah an Naas, then one sees that this Surah is also like Surah al Falaq where one asks for protection of Allah Almighty, however, in Surah an Naas the protection is from the evil whispers of Satan, the evil whispers of people and the Jinn. All these three bring devastation and all sorts of problems to a person, therefore, the recitation of this Surah can help keep these three evils at bay.


In a nutshell, Surah al Falaq and Surah an Naas are the two most renowned and easy to remember Surahs of Quran. A Muslim who has memorized these Surahs should recite them as frequently as possible in order to gain protection of Allah Almighty from all sorts of evils.

By | 2019-03-19T13:50:44+00:00 March 19th, 2019|islam|0 Comments

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