Historical Islamic Events in Month of RAJAB

//Historical Islamic Events in Month of RAJAB

Historical Islamic Events in Month of RAJAB

Rajab is the seventh month of the Islamic Calendar.

The following are the months of Islamic calendar which starts with Muharram, Safar, Rabi al-awwal, Rabi al-thani, Jumada al-awwal, Jumada al-thani, Rajab, Shaban, Ramadan, Shawwal, Dhul Qadah and Dhul Hijja.

Rajab is one of 4 sacred months of Islam.
“The year is of twelve months, out of which four months are sacred: Three are in succession Dhul-Qa’ da, Dhul-Hijja and Muharram, and (the fourth is) Rajab…” (Bukhari 3197)
Islamic festivals like Eid ul Fitr, Hajj and Eid ul Adha are also among many others Islamic events in these 4 months

Historical & Special Events in Month of RAJAB

Historical Events in Month of Rajab
The Holy Prophet ascended to Heaven on the 27th of Rajab (621 C.E.) on either Sunday or Monday (Shab e Meraj).
Hadhrat Bilal Ibn Haritha (R.A) brought a congregation of four hundred men named Banu Muzeena in the presence of the Holy Prophet . They all embraced Islam and became followers of the Holt Prophet in the year 5 A.H
The battle of Tabook took place in the year 9 A.H. This was the last battle which the Holy Prophet participated in.
The second Oath of Aqabah took place in Rajab, 12 A.H.
On 27 Rajab 583 AH / 02 October 1187 C.E. Salahuddin Al Ayubi Liberated the Al Quds & Al Aqsa.
On 28 Rajab 1342 AH / 03 March 1924 C.E., the saddest event in islamic history took place, with the destruction of the Caliphate.
Important Dates of Rajabul Murajjab

1 Rajab– Wiladat Imam Mohammed Baqir AlaihisSalaam the 5th Imam of Islam
5 Rajab– Wiladat Imam Ali Naqi al Hadi AlaihisSalaam the 10th Imam of Islam
3 Rajab– Shahadat Imam Ali Naqi al Hadi AlaihisSalaam the 10th Imam of Islam
6 Rajab- Wisaal Imam Khwaja Moinuddin Chishty RadiyAllahuAnhu
10 Rajab– Wiladat Imam Mohammed Taqi al Jawwad AlaihisSalaam the 9th Holy Imam of Islam
12 Rajab– Wisal of Hazrat Abbas ibne Abdul Muttalib AlaihisSalaam uncle of Prophet Mohammed SallAllahuAlaihiWaSallam
13 Rajab– Wiladat Imam Ali Ibne Abu Taalib AlaihisSalaam – the 1st Imam of Islam
13, 14th, 15th – Ayyam e Bayd – the bright days
15 Rajab- Wisal Imam Jafar Sadiq AlaihisSalaam the sixth imam of Islam
15 Rajab– Wisal of Hazrat Zainab binte Ali SalaamullahiAlaiha
20 Rajab– Wiladat Hazrat Sakina binte Husain SalaamullahiAlaiha
24 Rajab– Battle of Khaibar
25 Rajab– Shahadat Imam Musa Kazim AlaihisSalaam the 7th Imam of Islam
26 Rajab– Wisal of Hazrat Abu Talib AlaihisSalaam [Disputed date]
27 Rajab– Event of Meraj Sharif
27 Rajab- Wisal Imam Khwaja Junaid Baghdadi RadiyAllahuAnhu
29 – Battle of Tabooq

Other Important Dates in Month of Rajab

01 Urs of Hazrat Khawaja Muhammad Din Silwalwi (R.A)Pakistan
01 Hazrat Khawaja Abu Ahmed Chishty (R.A)––
01 Hazrat Khwaja Maudood Chishty (R.A)
02 Urs of Hazrat Soofie Saheb (R.A)Durban
02 Urs of Hazrat Syed Abul Hasnaat Qadri (R.A)Lahore
03 Urs of Hazrat Owais Qarani (Radi Allahu anhu) Raqqa (Syria)
04 Urs of Hazrat Imam Shafi’ee (Radi Allahu anhu) Misr (Egypt)
5th Monthly Mehfil -Hazrat Khwaja Usman e Haruni (R.A)
6th Monthly -Chattie Sharif of Hzrt Khwaja Moinuddin Chishty (R.A).
06 Urs of Hazrat Haji Sharif Zandani Chishty (R.A)
06 Urs of Hazrat Khawaja Gharib Nawaaz (R.A)) Ajmer Sharif
07 Wiladat Hazrat Abbas (R.A) —
08 Urs of Shah Abdur Rub(R.A) Kirap Sharif
08 Hazrat Imam Daraktani(R.A) —
09 Hazrat Hafiz Moosa Pak Chishti(R.A) —
09 Hazrat Shah Gada-ur-Rehman(R.A) —
09 Hazrat Maulana Shamsuddin Tabrez(RA) Konia Turkey
10 Hazrat Salman Farsi(R.A) —
10 Birthday of Imam Muhammad Taqi(R.A) —
11th Monthly – Ghyarmee Sharif of Hzrt Ghouse al Azam (R.A)
11 Urs of Syedi Abul Hussain Muhammad Noori(R.A) Mahrerah Sharif
11 Syed Shah Ali Hussain Ashrafi (R.A)Kichaucha Sharif
11 Shah Makhdoom Muhammad Mun’em(R.A) Patna
12 Khawaja Muhammad Yaar(R.A) —
13 Wiladat of Hazrat Maula Ali Mushkil Khusha (Karam Allah Wajhu)
13 Urs of Syed Musa Jilani(R.A) Baghdad Sharif
14 Urs of Hazrat Sipaah Salaar Masood Ghazi (R.A)—
14 Urs Hazrat Hassam Uddin (R.A)- Sambhar Sharif Rajasthan
16 Urs of Muhaddis-e-Aazam Kachochwi(R.A) Kichaucha Sharif
16 Urs of Hazrat Hafiz Muhammad Shoaib(R.A) Mardan
19 Urs of Hazratha Bibi Syeda Hafiz Jamal Sahiba (R.A)- Ajmer
20 Urs of Hazrat Imam Noowi(R.A) —
21st Monthly – Ekisvi Sharif of Hzrt Mollah Ali (Karam Allah Wajhu)
21 Hazrat Maulana Syed Deedar Ali Shah (R.A)Lahore
21 Urs of Maulana Shafi Aukarvi(R.A) —
22 Hazrat Kazi Ziaudden – Newtini(R.A) Lucknow
25 Urs Hazrat Imam Moosa Kazim(RA) Baghdad Sharif
25 Hazrat Qazi Sanaullah Pani Pati (R.A)—
25 Urs Hazrat Fakhruddin Gurdezi (R.A) Ajmer Sharif.
26 Hazrat Shahjehan Badshah (R.A)—
27 Laylatul Me’rj (Shab e Mehraj)
27 Hazrat Shaikh Junaid Baghdadi(RA) Baghdad Sharif
27 Shaikh Abu Saleh Nasar(R.A) Baghdad Sharif
27 Hazrat Imam Abu Yousuf(R.A) —
27 Shab-e-Mehraj
29 Hazrat Khawaja Muhammad Abdullah Bherchondi(R.A) —

By | 2019-03-19T10:30:51+00:00 March 19th, 2019|islam|0 Comments

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