List of Islamic Golden Age Inventions by Muslims

//List of Islamic Golden Age Inventions by Muslims

List of Islamic Golden Age Inventions by Muslims

Muslims golden age period remained for nearly 1000 years from 8th to 16thcenturies. The Islamic Golden Age refers to a period in the history of Islam during which much of the historically Islamic world was ruled by various caliphates and science, economic development, and cultural works flourished resulted in a number of inventions and advancements which we still rely on today. The origins of some fundamental ideas and objects are the focus of many inventions of Muslim heritage. Below we have summed up top outstanding Muslim inventions which we are using today in our daily life.

Surgical Instruments

In the 10thcentury, the surgeon named Abul Qasim Khalaf ibn al-Abbad al-Zahrawi published a 1500 page illustrated encyclopedia of surgery. He got credit for inventing the syringe, the forceps, the surgical hook, and needle, the bone saw and using dissolving catgut to stitch wounds. Their design was so accurate that they have had only a few changes in a millennium. It was these illustrations that laid the foundations for surgery in Europe.


Coffee is one of the best known of the Muslim world’s export. It was originated in Ethiopia and it is thought that an Ottoman merchant brought the bean-based beverage to London in the 17th century. The coffee was first discovered by an Arab named Khalid. As his goats grazed on the Ethiopian slopes, he noticed they had become lively and excited after eating a particular berry. Instead of just eating the berries they were taken and boiled to create “al-Qahwa”.


The first ever hospital named Ahmed ibn Tulun hospital with nurses and training center was established in the year 872. In this hospital, all patients received free health care and this hospital served as a template for hospitals all around the globe that we have today.


The word algebra comes from the title of the 9th Century Arabic thesis, The Book of Reasoning and BalancingAl-Khwarizmi introduces the beginnings of the algebra. In fact, it was a revolutionary move away from the Greek concept of mathematics, which was essentially based on geometry. The same mathematician, Al-Khwarizmi, was also the first to introduce the concept of raising a number to a power.


Al-Idrisi introduced the world map in the 12th century, which is regarded as the most elaborate and complete description of the world made at the time. It was greatly used by travelers for several centuries. Maps have helped people find their way for about 3,500 years in history maps were made from travelers’ and pilgrims’ accounts.


Ibn al-Haitham revolutionized optics and invented the first pin-hole camera after noticing the way the light came through a hole in window shutters. Then he worked out that the smaller the hole, the better the picture, and set up the first Camera Obscura.


The research for knowledge is close to the heart of Muslims. In the Holy Quran, Muslims are urged to seek knowledge and to observe and reflect. So Fatima al-Fihri, a devout and pious young woman wanted to give the Fez community a learning centre so developed a place for religious instruction and political discussion. It gradually extended its education to all subjects, particularly the natural sciences, and so it earned its name as one of the first universities in history.

The Toothbrush

Islam was one of the first global religions that emphasized on bodily hygiene. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) popularized the use of the first toothbrush in around the 7th Century, using a twig from the Miswak tree. The twig not only cleaned his teeth but also freshen breath.

The above mentioned were some of the Golden age inventions by Muslims that people using still in their lives. These inventions are very important that’s why people use them in their daily life routine.

By | 2019-03-16T15:29:04+00:00 March 16th, 2019|islam|0 Comments

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